Research Policy

1. Introduction

The Cochin College aims to create and support a research culture for developing and promoting scientific temper and research aptitudes among its teachers, staff, and students. The Research Policy of the Institution provides standard norms for conducting research in an effective and safe manner. The policy aims to contribute to capacity building by encouraging the scientific temper and research aptitude of the faculty and students and by implementing advanced research methodologies. This Research Policy is implemented in all the departments and serves as the guidelines for the functioning of the Research Council of the college.

2. Purpose and Objectives

The purpose of the Research Policy is to create a vibrant atmosphere of research among faculty and researchers in the Cochin College. The policy shall serve as an overall framework within which research activities may be carried out.

2.1 Purpose

1. Identifying and informing researchers about the appropriate research opportunities announced by different academic, research, industry, or government organizations.

2. Encouraging and facilitating the publication of the research work/projects in reputed academic journals.

3. To nurture an environment of undertaking socially useful research with potential for commercialization.

4. Promoting the development of a research culture amongst students of the UG and PG Programs. The committee coordinates the research projects of students by preparing guidelines for UG and PG research projects.

5. Encouraging faculty to apply for recognition as research guides.

6. Showcasing the research carried out by students and faculty through its registered peer-reviewed, UGC CARE recognized journal, ‘Xplore’ with separate editions for Sciences and Humanities.

7. The college strictly prohibits plagiarism at all levels and facilitates monitoring and mitigation of malpractices through online tools.

3. Activities

In order to promote research culture in the college, the Research Committee along with some faculty of the college organizes a number of academic events, including workshops, seminars, and invited lectures by eminent researchers. All departments regularly conduct academic seminars and conferences in collaboration with UGC and other funding agencies. The conference provides a platform for researchers to discuss the progress of their work and to accept the suggestions put forward by the panel of experts who chair the session.

4. Clubs Leadership and Governance

4.1 Club Officers

The Research Committee is headed by the Principal and faculty with doctoral degrees to promote and monitor research activities. The committee advocates high standards of responsibility for ethical conduct from faculty engaged in research in all aspects of their research activity. The Cochin College Research Committee consists of 9 faculty members: 3 from Arts/Humanities and 4 from Science, one of whom will be the convener. This committee works with the Principal in reviewing proposals and encouraging research in the College.

4.2 Advisor

The Convener and Members are selected from the teaching faculty.

4.3 Meetings

The Research Committee meets to discuss and deliberate on matters pertaining to research policies, funding allocation, project proposals, progress reports, and other research-related issues. Meetings are held regularly depending on the frequency of research activities.

4.4 Decision-Making Process

The decision-making process of the research committee is transparent and inclusive. Research proposals and projects are thoroughly evaluated and selected based on their quality, relevance, feasibility, and potential impact.

5. Events and Activities

1. Organizing and hosting research conferences.

2. Keeping researchers informed about available funding opportunities.

3. Actively searching for and sharing information about grants, scholarships, and research funding from various sources.

4. Providing support and guidance to researchers in the publication process.

6. Amendments to the Policy Document

The policy document can be reviewed and amended periodically.

7. Acknowledgement and Agreement

We, the members of the (club/Committee), acknowledge that we have read and understood the policy document and agree to abide by the policies and guidelines outlined within.