
Department of Zoology

The department of Zoology was established in 1968 to teach Bio Sciences to the Pre-Degree students. In 1982, the department started undergraduate course in Zoology. Post graduate (MSc) program was introduced in the academic year 2013.The department has two well equipped laboratories for Anatomy, Biochemistry, instrumentation and Microbiology. A well-maintained Museum displaying a versatile collection of invertebrates including corals, vertebrates and skeletal specimens for osteology. Department also maintains lovebirds and ornamental fishes in its premises. Department conduct certificate courses in Vermicomposting, Health and Sex education. Value added course in Aquaponics. Department regularly conducts Nature camps and visit reputed National institutes for giving exposure and awareness on the latest trends in scientific research. Important days celebrated includes -Environment Day, Tiger Day, Ozone Day, wildlife week, Aids Day etc. to create awareness and a sense of belongingness to care mother nature. The department has a very active students association named ‘Xancus’, which aims to promote the curricular and extracurricular capabilities in students. The activities of the Xancus can be followed by visiting the Social media pages :

Former Faculty List

  1. Prof: M. Bhagyalakshmi. HoD (1968-1997)
  2. Prof: K R Unnithan. HoD (1997-2002)
  3. Prof: Dr. Prema A K HoD (2002-2009)
  4. Prof: Dr. Ananthan Pai
  5. Prof: Jancy Annie John HoD (2009-2013)
  6. Prof: Antonia Roseline K J HoD (2013- 2015)